January 12, 2013

Life of Pi

So I went to the cinema to see this movie today with two friends.
First of all, I did NOT read the book. This is just about the movie, no comparison or anything since I can't decide whether it is close to the book or not.

The movie is SO extremely beautiful. The scenery is flawless. It is like a very long painting and with every step you go to the other side it gets more and more beautiful. Everything is just so well fitted.

The story is also great. It is not just a movie that you watch and then forget, you have to actually think about it. There are so many symbols and metaphors in it. I mean, the whole story is kind of a metaphor.
After the movie one of my friends explained to me the symbols of the tiger and the island and I explained to her the meaning of the sentence "And so it goes with god". Our other friend was just like "I'm too rational to believe his story". And that's what it's really about.

I don't want to give a detailed review of the movie, I just want to say that I really liked it and it made me think about myself and my believes. I don't believe in god, but this movie made me think about my rational way. It didn't make me believe, but it still had some influence on me.
Also I haven't cried that much during a movie for a long while. I mean, I did not cry because it was particularly sad (ok sometimes it was!!), I just cried because it was so beautiful and because of the animals and the relationship of Pi and Richard Parker.

So I hope you understand what I mean and what I want to say.
Also: Go watch the movie!!!!


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