October 30, 2012


Hello cutiepies ~~~ヾ(^∇^)

On the fourth day we went to TOKYO !!! (ノ´∀`*)ノ
I loooooove this city so so much!!! Seriously this is my favourite city out of all cities where I've been so far! (every city got its perks but Tokyo is just aslkjdasd you know)
We met at Harajuku Station and then went to Meiji Jingu! It is very impressive and very beautiful!! After this we had freetime and we went around Tokyo in groups. My group has been to Harajuku (Takeshita Dori), Akihabara and then we met with some of the others again in Asakusa.
The Takeshita Street is like the best place ever to go shopping!! Unfortunately I'm a giant compared to all the japanese gals and so I can only wear the oversized tops ;__; the skirts would fit me on my right leg maybe....and I'm not even sure about that... /DD THEY WERE SO FCKN TINY ;__; but so pretty though! why am I so tall???
Well, Akiba is.... I don't know... I think if you like all this manga & anime stuff it is ok but if you don't, you probably won't like it...Unless you're a guy, because there are like kawaii maids all over the streets ... I kinda liked it but in my opinion it was all too much hahaha. But I think as a tourist you have to go to Akiba!
Then we went to Asakusa... to be more exactly to Sensoji :3 a very beautiful temple in Asakusa!
After that we looked through all the shops in front of the temple and then we went home ;__;
Dinner was OKONMIYAKI ♥

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Train to Tokyo :3
Hachiko Bus haha
that is a fckn huge torii
the group :3 on the way to the shrine!
I have no idea what that is to be honest...
French wine??? dafuq
entrance to Meiji Jingu
You have to be "clean" before you enter
Japanese bride *A*
Meiji Jingu

lol hi
People...people everywhere...
Asakusa / Sensoji
Sky Tree
shake shake shake
huh what number is it???

That's it :3 Day 5 will follow soon!!! (lol yes, I'm slow but I will post all of the pictures!!!!)

bai bai ^___^

PS: I'm very sorry that the pictures are just where they want to be and not where I wanted them to be actually and there are weird spaces and shit between them.... I have no idea how to change that, because I suck at HTML very badly... so just try to ignore this ;__; I know, it doesn't look nice and neat but if I knew how to change I definitely would do it lol.

October 21, 2012


こんにちは bitches ♥

here is what I have done on my third day in Japan (o ^ ^ o)

First of all I woke up at 3 AM and wasn't able to fall asleep again until 6.30 ;__; and then I slept for half an hour again. yay.
Well, I had breakfast (a bagle + jam) and then we (my hoststudent + me) went to school.
In school there was a big Welcome Ceremony for all the German students and teachers. Then we (students) and teachers went to a lesson of the German class and they learned a kids-song from us and we played bingo :D after that we went to a restaurant with all students + hosts and teachers. The food was pretty good and even though I was so hungry in the beginning I didn't eat so much ;_;
After that we all went to the train station to go a sake factory in another village. It wasn't that interesting but after a man who works there explained everything to us we went down to the Tama river *A* it is so beautiful!!! We stayed there for some time and then we had to go back to Ome to meet the mayor of the city :>
After that there was a little party of some other students from Ome with delicious food. My hoststudent + me then went to Karaokeeee ♥ and after that at home we had gyoza for dinner *_* I really love gyoza!!!
well that was my day in short :3

everyone's introducing her/himself
this is one of the teachers and she is so fckn good at singing *__*
corridor in the school
on our way to the restaurant
the restaurant
in the train :3 ♥ love and miss you all ;__; (not the left one, of course, that's me!)
at the sake factory
there's a fountainhead(?) in there and the water is used for the sake..
I have no idea what this is...maybe some crab stuff?
Tama River
it's so beautiful ;___;
my hoststudent + me ♥
(´ A `;;;)

That was my third day :33
hope you liked it!

bye (^ ___ ^)

PS: Currently I'm also working on my layout ;_; it's not finished yet but there is some kind of progress!!! XD