We will know on saturday if we're really qualified or not :(( I'm hoping and praying and wishing :(((
in the hall of the competition :)
FCK YEAH!!! :)
pretty, isn't it? haha. my flyer's elbow + my chin = ouch.
my uniform airdrying :D
yeah these were just a few pics from saturday and sunday :) and last but not least a very rare look:
TA-DA ~ me with straight hair.
I usually never straighten my hair but I always have to do it for competitions :/
I think it looks ok but also very weird. My hair feels dry and damaged when it's straight.....
I will post some very pretty but also old photographs tomorrow I think :> because I looked through old photos recently and they were all so beautiful and adorable ;__;
But you'll see.
kbye. :D
PS: If you're annoyed by all the cheer posts in the last time, I'm sorry but this is just so important to me right now.
omg viel Glück dass du es noch schaffst :(