March 31, 2012

March Inspiration

I just noticed that I didn't do a February Inspiration post.....I'm so sorry :/
But here's my march inspiration :)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

that's it I think ~ 

bye :)

March 29, 2012

Unfortunately it's not always like you want it to be...

Last saturday I've been to Regionals (cheer comp) and I don't really want to talk about it that much because it was not really good and we're not yet definitely qualified for Nationals :(
We will know on saturday if we're really qualified or not :(( I'm hoping and praying and wishing :(((

in the hall of the competition :)

FCK YEAH!!! :)

 pretty, isn't it? haha. my flyer's elbow + my chin = ouch.

 my uniform airdrying :D

yeah these were just a few pics from saturday and sunday :) and last but not least a very rare look:

 TA-DA ~ me with straight hair.

I usually never straighten my hair but I always have to do it for competitions :/ 
I think it looks ok but also very weird. My hair feels dry and damaged when it's straight.....

I will post some very pretty but also old photographs tomorrow I think :> because I looked through old photos recently and they were all so beautiful and adorable ;__; 
But you'll see.

kbye. :D


PS: If you're annoyed by all the cheer posts in the last time, I'm sorry but this is just so important to me right now. 

March 25, 2012

WANT: March

This month's What I Currently Want post ~


new Pants

( x )

I'm actually addicted to sunglasses ;_; I already have so many but I can never have enough haha

this is not a thing but whatever: 
Qualification to Nationals

  That's it. And the qualification is the most important thing for me at the moment :(((


March 14, 2012

RANT: everything.

Jeez. I'm pretty much pissed off of Youtube, the fucking GEMA and politician and their piracy problems. They should just get their shit together. Seriously.

Also I'm pissed off because of this stupid "KONY 2012" video on youtube.
This video is really touching and when you watch it you really think "that fucking bastard!" but when you inform yourself and read some stuff about Joseph Kony you realize that he actually left Uganda in 2006 and they have no idea where he is and apparently he stopped doing those things. I mean, he deserves to be punished, but people around the world never really cared or knew about this man (me included!) and suddenly this video appears and everyone is sharing it on facebook, etc. This is just ridiculous. Especially since thousands of people now buy these things invisiblechildren sells and they make millions of money (and this guy apparently is fucking rich already) .....for what? I don't think that making money helps to find some fucking asshole criminal in Uganda, does it? What is even the matter of spreading his face all over the world? So now we all know this guy but that also doesn't help to catch him I think. I will just stop here because I can't express everything I think in English but just think about all this first please.
Kony has to be imprisoned but is this really the most important thing to do right now? It's not bad to share this video but please THINK about it first.
And if you want to do something to help to make the world a better place then give some money to an organisation that helps people to get access to clean water or food.

I don't know if it makes sense what I wrote because I'm too lazy to read it again lol. I just hope you get my point. If not, hate on me, I don't care. It's just my opinion, do whatever you want to.

And last but not least I'm so fucking pissed off about all these people that always talk about "real" music.
What the fuck is "real" music??
I love old music like The Beatles or some other bands (too many actually haha) but this is just OLD music not REAL music. There is no such term as REAL music. Please accept this.
Music is music. There is good music, there is bad music, there are good musicians who make good music, there are good musicians who make bad music, there are bad musicians who still make good music and there are also bad musicians whose music pretty much sucks. But REAL music does not exist.
And I'd appreciate if people would stop to send death threats or things like that to people like Justin Bieber or some Disney people. It's ok if you don't like them or their music but then just please don't listen to it and ignore them. I do that too 90% of the time and it works. And their music isn't actually that bad. At least not ALL of their songs. But that's just my opinion.

Ok I think that's it I guess. Sorry for this long text post and no pictures. I just had no idea what else to blog about and since I really wanted to write about these things and tell my honest opinion I just did it :)

Bye bye ~

PS: OHMYGOSH. In 10 days is already our first competition this season!!! SO FREAKING NERVOUS BUT ALSO EXCITED AKSDALSFJAKLSDKLA
PPS: A girl in my German class has all of the Doctor Who seasons and she gave them to me to watch them ;__; my weekend will be BRILLIANT
PPPS: History exam is on friday ;_; there is nothing but abolutism, enlightened absolutism, Louis XIV, Friedrich II and other historic stuff in my head X__X

March 04, 2012

My current Cheer-life

Oh my god. Only 3 more weeks till our first competition this year :(((
I'm so excited and nervous.
We had practice for about 9-11 hours yesterday and today for about 3-4 hours today but I think this weekend helped SO much.
Unfortunately I don't have any photos :( sorry guys.
All I can say about this weekend is, that is was fucking exhausting.

But here are some very inspirational cheer videos :)

hope you enjoyed :)

I'll upload a video of our routine after our first competition I think :>
so if you want to see it, you have to wait 3 more weeks ♥

bye bye ~
have to study for my french test tomorrow now and then go to bed (´ A `) I'm so freaking tired.

Also this is the best song in our cheermix <3