February 28, 2012

WANT: February

And here is the february edition of "Things I currently want" :

a Kigurumi


ok, actually this is the only thing I really want currently. Besides a kitten or a puppy but I already posted that last month and I'm too lazy to search some cute pictures again. So just click here if you want to know what else I want to have.
And I actually got a new mobile phone saturday haha.

I really like it...except the colour ;_; I wanted to have it in black but these scumbags sent me a white one. -_- whatever, it's still so awesome ;_; ♥

Bye and good night ~

PS: I'm very stressed at the moment because I need to read 3 books for school and I'll write a test about my english book on thursday and about my french book on monday and about my german book on march 7th. D: I NEED MORE TIME ASKDALSFKALSKDLAS I'M NOT ABLE TO REMEMBER ALL THOSE THINGS IN THREE DIFFERENT LANGUAGES AT THE SAME TIME D: I'm afraid my brain might explode in the next few weeks. D: XD

Oscars 2012

Did you guys watch the show?
Since I live in Germany and it was on in the middle of the night I didn't watch it live but I recorded it and watched it yesterday afternoon after school.

So here are my opinions of the 84th Annual Academy Awards :3


The show was not that great to be honest, but it was good though. I really liked Billy Crystal because he was very funny and also the performance of Cirque du Soleil was freaking amazing. LOVED it!!!
But all in all it wasn't anything special IMO :/


Oh my god. SO many absolutely stunning gorgeous gowns!!!
Here's a list of my favourites:

5. Melissa McCarthy 

4. Emma Stone

3. Penélope Cruz

2. Maria Menounos (I have no idea who this woman is actually...)

1. Angelina Jolie (such a gorgeous gown, but Angelina should definitely EAT way more)

My favourite among the men was Sacha Baron Cohen btw hahaha.
And Jean Dujardin. Jeez, that man is fucking hot and FRENCH.


I think everyone who received an award also deserved it. I can't really say more about that because I haven't seen any of the important movies (like the Best Picture movies) -__- I wanted to see all of them but no one wanted to go to the cinema with me so I ended up not watching them :(
But in my opinion Harry Potter should've won at least one award :(
Ohyeah my favourite laudator was Emma Stone btw. She was freaking hilarious. And it was such a beautiful moment when Octavia Spencer got her Oscar and sobbed and cried. Really touching. ;_;

Yeah that's it I think.... I don't know what else to write now :/

So good bye :>

PS: here is a picture of Jean Dujardin and Uggie because this picture is just perfect. And Uggie should've won an Oscar for best pet .. or animal..or whatever. just an Oscar, ok? :( <3

February 20, 2012

"5th Season"

Telling all the things that happened in the last days would be way too much to write in this post and people wouldn't read it anyway...so here are just some pictures and how my last few days have been in short.

Since it's carnival-time where I live (or how we call it in my region "Fassenacht". It's also called the "5th season" :D) we didn't have school on thursday and friday and also not today and tomorrow.

Thursday: It was ok. nothing really special but fun though.
Friday: It was SO much fun but it didn't end well hahaha.
Saturday: Didn't do anything at all.
Sunday: first it was very good and funny but then everything was screwed up -_-
Today: I won't do anything special today, just study and read my stupid books for school <_<
Tomorrow: same as today.

me /D my hair looks so long there ;_;

 best friend :>

 mona + me

unfortunately not my kigurumi ;_;

PENIS lolol

so yeah. just a few pics :>


PS: here is a song I really like at the moment ´ A `

February 16, 2012

Bad Day

Hello thurr.

Yesterday I got something really cute and cool ~♥

my grandma made this headband a few weeks ago but it wasn't really finished yet and yesterday she finished it and look, she made an usamimi for me ~ YAY
I always loved them because they're so cute (; _ ;) and so I asked my grandma if she could sew me one and she did :3
I think it is a little bit too long actually but if you twist it, etc. it's ok and looks cute :>
The pics are not that great, sorry /D tried my best.

Also I tried out a new nail polish I bought like months ago. I always thought it would look the same as another colour I have because they looked almost the same but it is darker and more pretty.
I currently love green, blue and glitter nail polish so much. Especially when the blue and greens are very dark. But since I'm really poor currently I can't buy green nail polish, but I definitely will in the next time. And I'll buy tons of nail polish in the US in april haha. I hope it's cheaper over there :/

lol, look at my pinky. I have no idea how this happened -_- but I'm too lazy to fix it...
it won't last that long anyway...so...yeah /D

Today's practice was so bad -.- seriously. First my main base got knocked out because the flyer landed on her head and then I got kicked in the eye -_- I hope my base is fine again :/ she had to go home because she was so dizzy,etc. :( Well, I don't really care if I get a black eye but my flyer ripped out like half of my eyelashes when she hit my eye -.- worst thing ever to happen in practice. I look so stupid.
I hope these stupid lashes grow fast D:
I'll just wear some falsies the next few days/weeks I think :/

look ;_; I know I'm a "little" whiny but I'm very sensitive about my eyelashes. I don't care about bruises in practice or anything but alksjdlkasjdlaksjdlk WHY MY LASHES. I LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT.
everybody said that there is no difference from before but THERE FUCKING IS.

Ok, I'll stop now because other people suffer from worse pain. 

And I gotta go to bed now because I'm tired and exhausted from school.
Fortunately I don't have school until next wednesday~ :3

Good night ♥

PS: A bubble tea cafe opened today in my town!!! But when we went there there was a queue that was like 10 m long -_- and we had to go to practice..so...we didn't drink any :(( But I'll go there tomorrow I think ♥ 

February 08, 2012

First time gyaru make-up and other stuff.

Phew. There happened so much in my life in the last few days.
I got a cat, the bitch that gave it to us 'stole' (took) it (click here for my rage post) ; I tried gyaru make-up with false lashes the first time ; I got accepted for the exchange to Japan (idk if I already mentioned that) ; I went out with friends but they were bored the whole time so they left earlier than I did and I cought a cold because I only wore a dress and it was about -15°C when I went home that night. Oh yeah and yesterday it FINALLY snowed!! Couldn't believe it myself but it's true. I don't know how it could snow anyway because it also was about at least -10°C outside...So...yeah.
I think this is the short version of my life in the last few days.....So the only pics you will find below will be pictures of my make up ;_; sorry.

( Please ignore my bathroom in the pictures haha. I didn't take proper pictures because I just wanted to try the make up )

this is what my eyes looked like... (no lenses and no lower lashes)

 some stupid posing lolol. I really suck at it. ain't even cute
also I got a haircut that day ;__; but just the tips.

 and this is what my make up looked like when I went out with my friends ;_; /D

 So, these are some of the pics of saturday. I still have some on my mobile phone but I'm too lazy to copy them on my computer so..yeah.
Also I have one last photo because I always get told my legs are "so thin and so long" but in my opinion they're just average thin and in comparism to my height (about 183-185 cm) average long. So take a look...what do you think? (´ A `;;)

lol very blurry and again I suck at posing but you don't need to see my face <_<;;
Idk ;_; I just think they're...average. and also I don't like my inner thighs so I especially work out to get rid of the stupid "fat" there haha /DD (I don't think I'm fat though.)

Ok and now thank you for reading, or for not reading this very selfish post ♥
bye bye

PS: PLEASE tell me your opinion about my gyaru make up /D I want to improve and I know it's pretty shitty actually. So just give me some tipps :3